Author: Fum

10 Invaluable things I would tell myself when I was new to coding – if I had a time machine

I’ve recently come across a couple of “things I would I knew” style articles of people expressing what they wish they knew when they started on a journey of learning something new. It’s fascinating to hear the thoughts of people who are now years into their journey and reflecting back […]

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What is Technical Debt? – The elephant in the development room

What is Technical debt? Technical debt is a term used in software development processes describing trade-off between choosing a quicker short-term solution that results in long-term consequences. Like financial debt, technical debt accumulates interest in the form of the extra effort to overcome problems that appear in the future. In […]

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How to be an Embedded Software Engineer: A simple guide to get started

Attention embedded engineers! We’d like to invite you to sign up to, an exciting new space just for embedded engineers. Sign up early to be a part of the journey🚀 Compared to other software engineering roles, working with embedded software requires fundamental understanding of hardware systems. The ability to […]

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